
Commonly Abused Drugs

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just illegal drugs that are addictive. There are many prescription drugs which are just as, if not more, addictive than any of the different types of drugs you can find on the street.

At Revive Detox our staff are experts in treating all of the commonly abused drugs.


Most people enjoy an alcoholic drink every now and then – but determining whether your drinking is considered riskyor if it has have tipped over into abuse, can be difficult. As with other types of drugs, symptoms will often creep up on you before you’re even aware of them.

Alcohol abuse can show itself in many different forms. You may find you are struggling to sleep without alcohol or that you need a drink soon after you get out of bed in the morning. You may experience negative thoughts when you’re drinking, and you may struggle to control your alcohol intake.

Drinking in moderation is not alcohol abuse. Although everyone is different, for most women, drinking in moderation means one standard drink per day. For men, the recognized limit is two drinks per day.

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Cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs due to its stimulant effects. Users will experience an increase in alertness and motivation, and the euphoria that comes with those make the drug mentally addictive as well as physically.

Cocaine is made from the leaves of the coca plant and is also known as crack, blow, coke, flake, C, and snow. It’s illegal in most countries, including the U. S. and is usually consumed by smoking, snorting, or injecting into a vein. People can become addicted to cocaine very quickly, often after only trying it two or three times.

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Heroin is a highly addictive opioid which can cause major health issues, particularly if it is injected into the vein. It’s made from morphine which is a naturally produced substance found in the seeds of the Asian Poppy plant.

When used intravenously, heroin goes straight to the brain and gives users an immediate hit. However, this high is also what makes it so addictive. People withdrawing from heroin can experience severe withdrawal symptoms and should undertake this process under the supervision medical practitioners.

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Marijuana is derived from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, and is the most commonly used illegal drug in the U.S. Many states have legalized its use for medicinal purposes, but this use is through a Doctor’s supervision.

The addictive compound in marijuana is delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It’s the THC that produces the euphoric effect in some people and the relaxed, sleepy, effect in others.

If smoked it can lead to respiratory illnesses such as Emphysema and Cancer. And, it should never be smoked by anyone who already has respiratory issues, such as Asthma.

There has long been debate between medical professionals and users, about whether or not marijuana is addictive.

The difference between addiction and dependency is this:

  • Dependency is described as needing a medication or substance to help control chronic symptoms of an illness or disease – such as the chronic pain from Fibromyalgia and MS, nausea and weight loss in Cancer patients, assisting with Crohn’s Disease, keeping Glaucoma at bay, helping with Eating Disorders, and much more.
  • Addiction is commonly defined as a condition where a person compulsively uses a substance to achieve a certain enjoyable effect or feeling.

This use is not lessened even if the person clearly understands, and may experience, other

negative effects and health problems from their use.

Not using the substance will result in unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that the user wants

to eradicate quickly.

It’s also important to remember that while dependence doesn’t always equal addiction – addiction will include dependence – and that dependence and addiction affect different portions of the brain. Marijuana can fit that criteria, depending on the individual.

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Meth, or methamphetamine, is a synthetic stimulant that produces the same effects as cocaine. However, meth is considerably cheaper to buy on the streets and its effects last longer. A more concentrated form of the drug is crystal meth, which is mixed with pseudoephedrine.

Meth was given to soldiers during World War II, to help them stay awake. However, it is now only prescribed for conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and sleeping disorders.

The effects of meth wear off quickly which encourages users to consume it in large amounts. This is also what makes it so dangerous for the body and brain, as both are in constant state of being up and down over and over. This places added stress on most of the body’s organs, including the heart.

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Xanax is a brand name for a benzodiazepine called alprazolam. It is the most prescribed medication in the U.S. and is given to people suffering from anxiety and panic disorders.

It works by increasing the amount of a neurotransmitter in the brain called Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA). This produces a feeling of calm and well-being.

Xanax can produce different effects when taken by older or obese people, people suffering from alcoholism or alcoholic liver disease, and people with impaired renal or hepatic function.

Xanax should not be prescribed for people who are experiencing Depression.

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commonly abused drugs

Treatment for Commonly Abused Drugs

Addiction affects every person differently – which is why staff at Revive Detox work with you to develop your individual, custom, recovery plan. Different types of drugs will produce different signs and symptoms in every person and we understand that each one must be treated in its own way.

At Revive Detox, our experienced staff offer top-tier services in a holistic way. Our treatment programs include nutritional, emotional, and psychological support, acupuncture, aromatherapy, medication assisted therapies, and other treatments as needed.

We also understand that recovery from most addictive drugs is an ongoing process. We work with you and your stated family members to create a continuation plan that fosters success.

If you believe you are experiencing addiction issues with any of the types of drugs we’ve discussed, we strongly encourage you to get in touch. We’re here to help and our staff are available 24/7, by phone or email, or you can fill in the contact form below.

We look forward to helping you open a new chapter in your life.