How Long Does Vyvanse Stay in Your System?

how long does vyvanse stay in your system
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Over 320 million people are living in America today. More than 7,400 of them will die today. Of those 7,400 Americans, 175 will die of drug overdoses.

That’s just an average day in America.

These numbers are sobering. They remind us that Americans are losing the war on drugs. But there’s one drug in particular that we’d like to touch on today:


So if you’re trying to get clean or know someone who suffers from Vyvanse addiction? You’ve come to the right place.

Today we’ll address the following questions:

  • How long does Vyvanse stay in your system?
  • What determines how long the drug stays in your system?
  • How can you overcome Vyvanse withdrawal?

Keep on reading to learn more!

How Long Does Vyvanse Stay in Your System?

In truth, there’s no single answer to the question of how long Vyvanse stays in your system. That said, there is a generic timeline you can loosely rely on.

That timeline centers around the half-life of the drug. The half-life of Vyvanse is incredibly short: one hour. In fact, some research suggests that the half-life is actually just under 50 minutes.

This half-life suggests that it would take between four to six hours for the drug to run through your system. But things aren’t that simple.

When drugs enter your system, they don’t just run through your body without leaving behind “footprints.” Drugs leave behind special metabolites, and each drug’s metabolites are different.

Vyvanse’s metabolites have much longer half-lives than the drug itself. Their half-lives can be anywhere between 9 and 11 hours.

All in all, they can remain in your system for two to two-and-a-half days. Just know, however, that you might be able to detect these metabolites for up to three days.

How Long Does Vyvanse Stay in Urine?

Okay. So Vyvanse can stay in your system for up to three days. That doesn’t, however, mean that there won’t be evidence of drug use long afterward.

How long it remains detectable depends on the bodily fluid you test. If you take a Vyvanse drug test in which you must submit urine, the drug could be present in your urine.

Fortunately, the drug only remains detectable in your urine for about three days–about the same amount of time it takes to pass through your system. Even so, the amount of time it stays in your urine depends on your dosage.

Other Traces of the Drug

There are several other ways to test for the presence of Vyvanse. The two methods we’ll discuss in this section include:

  • Blood Tests
  • Hair Tests

Vyvanse typically only remains in the bloodstream for about eight hours. Sometimes, though, you can still detect the drug up to 24 hours after ingestion. But such cases aren’t the norm.

Hair is a different story. Vyvanse use doesn’t show up in hair drug tests for about one to two weeks.

But don’t be fooled by this delayed evidence of Vyvanse use. Hair drug tests are perhaps the most unforgiving of all of the drug tests listed here. Why?

Because hair shows evidence of Vyvanse use for so long after the initial ingestion of the drug.

Once the evidence of Vyvanse use manifests itself one to two weeks after ingestion, it stays for up to a month. In fact, there are cases in which it remains for over a month.

What Determines How Long the Drug Stays in Your System?

Here’s the deal:

There’s no concrete answer to this question. How long Vyvanse stays in your system depends on several factors.

That said, we’ll list a few of those factors here. The elements we’re most interested in are:

  • Age
  • The frequency of drug use
  • Height and weight


Age plays a crucial role in our bodies’ metabolic activity. The younger you are, the more metabolically active your body will be. The older you are, the less metabolically active your body will be.

Of course, there are no hard and fast rules here. Some young people don’t have great metabolisms while some older people have amazing metabolisms for their ages.

Having said that, don’t assume that Vyvanse will run through your system more quickly or slowly because of your age.

The Frequency of Drug Use

If you frequently use Vyvanse, there’s a good chance that detoxing your body will take longer than you’d like it to. This is especially true if you regularly take large doses of the drug.

Infrequent users, on the other hand, don’t have to worry about long detox times. Their bodies should be able to metabolize the drug in a standard amount of time.

Height and Weight

Medical professionals usually administer drugs in proportion to a patient’s height and weight. Short, thin patients typically receive smaller doses than tall, rotund patients.

The same logic applies to the doses of Vyvanse you may have taken. So if you’re a 110-pound woman who is only a few inches over five feet? The drug will probably remain in your system for some time.

In any case, please confer with a medical professional if you need specific health advice. These specialists will be able to advise you better.

We especially recommend that you visit your doctor if you’ve been actively abusing Vyvanse. Drug abuse can negatively impact your health if you don’t seek help.

How Can You Overcome Withdrawal?

First thing’s first:

If you’re asking this question, you’re ready for the first step of recovery. That said, we don’t want to waste any time here. We’ll jump straight into some coping methods you can use to overcome withdrawal.

Coping Methods

Detoxing your body after ingesting Vyvanse can be challenging and uncomfortable. Vyvanse withdrawal causes fatigue, paranoia, depression, and several other unpleasant sensations.

The first step to beating this withdrawal is avoiding stimulants. Because Vyvanse is a stimulant, ingesting other stimulants will only feed your body’s addiction. Other stimulants include caffeine and cigarettes.

Depressants are another no-go. Depressants include drugs such as alcohol, cannabis, and opiates.

You should also remember to take care of yourself. Eat well, get enough sleep, and avoid stress if possible.

Are You Struggling With Vyvanse Addiction?

How long does Vyvanse stay in your system? The consensus is three days, perhaps 30 if someone tests your hair for the substance.

But here’s the truth:

Vyvanse stays in your system for as long as you’re willing to feed your addiction. If you don’t kill the addiction, you’ll likely always have the drug in your system.

Having said that, if you’re ready to take the leap and kick your addiction to the curb, we’re ready to help you. Just contact us to find out how you can start winning the fight against your addiction today.


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