7 Celebrities & Famous People with PTSD

famous people with ptsd

Post-traumatic stress disorder, often referred to as PTSD, is more common than most people think and it’s no surprise there are several famous people with PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. The National Center for PTSD, reports that about 6% of the population will experience PTSD at one point in their lives, and roughly 15 million … Read more

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Characteristics, Patterns, Diagnosis, Treatment and More

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a complex mental health condition that impacts various aspects of individuals’ lives. It involves an inflated sense of self-importance, an insatiable need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. In this blog post, we will explore different aspects of narcissistic personality disorder, including the nine traits, five main habits, indicators … Read more

Life Expectancy with Fatty Liver Disease

Life Expectancy with Fatty Liver Disease

Living with fatty liver disease can be a matter of concern for many individuals. Fatty liver disease, also known as hepatic steatosis, is a condition characterized by the accumulation of fat in liver cells. While excessive alcohol consumption is a common cause, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has also become increasingly prevalent due to factors … Read more

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your Urine / System? What’s The Truth?

how long does alcohol stay in your system

If you consume alcohol, you’ve probably asked the question – how long does alcohol stay in your system? Or, more specifically, how long does alcohol stay in your urine? So, what is the truth? How long does alcohol stay in urine before it can’t be detected, and how long does it take for alcohol to leave your system? These questions … Read more

Suboxone Withdrawal: Timeline and Symptoms

suboxone withdrawal symptoms

Table of Contents One effective way to curb the opioid epidemic is through the use of medications like Suboxone as part of a medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program.  But if you ever feel the need or want to get off of Suboxone what does Suboxone Withdrawal look like? More than 2.1 million people in the U.S. … Read more

Stages of Alcoholism: A Guide to Early Identification and Intervention

Alcoholism Stages

Alcohol addiction is not a sudden development but rather a progressive condition that develops over time. What begins as casual drinking can eventually lead to dependence, and although the timeline and underlying reasons vary, the disease generally follows a pattern and this is referred to as the Stages of Alcoholism. The DSM-5 outlines 11 criteria … Read more

Borderline Personality Disorder Test – BPD Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment

borderline personality disorder bpd

BPD is a mental health condition characterized by extreme fluctuations in mood and difficulties in regulating emotions. It poses a number of risks to the individual, including self-harm and suicidal behavior. If you think you may have BPD, taking a borderline personality disorder test can help you identify if you need to seek professional help. … Read more

What is Tardive Dyskinesia? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

tardive dyskinesia

What is Tardive Dyskinesia? So, what is tardive dyskinesia? The word tardive means ‘delayed’ while dyskinesia means ‘an abnormality of voluntary movement’. True to the name, tardive dyskinesia affects the nervous system following the long-term use of medications that affect the dopamine receptors in the brain—causing uncontrollable body movements. The disorder can be disabling to those … Read more

Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, and Treatment Options

opioid withdrawal

If you’re among the relatively large population of people taking opioids (whether for medical or recreational purposes), you need to understand the risks involved. For this reason, this article explains the issue of opioid dependence, what opioid withdrawal symptoms look like, the opioid withdrawal timeline, and the opioid withdrawal treatments available. Did you know that … Read more

Stages of Addiction – A Guide

seven stages of addiction

For those who have never experienced addiction in themselves or a loved one, it may not seem like a complex issue. However, it’s important to note that there are actually many stages of addiction to consider, meaning that there are different symptoms to take note of and try to manage. Over 19.7 million people over … Read more