The Difference Between Physical and Psychological Addiction

physical psychological addiction

Psychological addiction vs physical addiction. Statistics show that 21 million Americans are addicted to one or more substances. These figures reveal that while addiction can feel like a lonely place, this is something thousands of us battle. Overcoming addiction is possibly one of the hardest, yet most worthwhile things one can do. This explains why so many … Read more

Winnie The Pooh and Mental Disorders: Everything you Need to Know

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Winnie the Pooh is a childhood classic. The story and its characters are instantly recognizable. From Pooh’s rotund tummy peeking out from beneath his tiny, red shirt to Tigger bouncing from here to there on his spring-loaded tail, children and adults alike enjoy this classic tale of friendship. But is there more to the story … Read more

The Link Between Narcissism, Alcohol, and Drug Abuse


A personality disorder can make life and social interactions a huge pain to deal with. This pain is compounded when a serious personality disorder like narcissism is matched with an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

These struggles have a symbiotic relationship of sorts, as they feed off and interactive with the other.

If you think that you or a loved one are dealing with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), you should be vigilant about understanding its links to drugs and alcohol. Below we’ll explore that topic and more.

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What Happens When You Stop Drinking? 13 Positive Effects on Your Body

what happens to your body when you stop drinking

Have you been trying to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink, or maybe wish to eliminate it from your life completely? Have you ever wondered what happens to your body when you stop drinking? Alcohol is a highly addictive substance and even a minor addiction can result in withdrawal symptoms when you attempt to … Read more

28 Captivating Movies about Addiction for Your Queue

movies about addiction

Who doesn’t love a good film?

For a few hours, movies transport you to another life you’ll never experience.

If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol dependence, however, movies about addiction can hit too close to home.

These movies about drug addiction and alcoholism all detail the rollercoaster of life on the ride of addiction in unique ways.

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13 Awesome Songs About Addiction and Recovery for a Playlist

songs about addiction recovery

Addiction is a lonely place.

Whether struggling with alcoholism, illicit drug addiction, or dependence on prescription drugs, it’s easy for people to feel like they’re going through everything completely alone – as no one understands.

Most people feel ashamed of their addiction in one way or another.

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Methadone Clinics – Important Information to Know

methadone clinics

Anyone watching the news these days knows that the U.S. is in the midst of an opioid epidemic. While listening to the stories about accidental overdoses and how many more people are becoming addicted to opioids, something that keeps coming up is methadone. Many people say methadone should be a part of primary care for … Read more

A Guide to the Types of Pain Medication

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The pain process is complicated, meaning that there are a multitude of different pain medications to research and choose from. These medications are also some of the most commonly used drugs in the United States, and many are highly addictive as well. It’s vitally important to anyone who has experienced or has dealt with drug … Read more