
Famous Drug Addicts (10 Celebrities in Recovery)

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Drug Addiction Does Not Discriminate – Anyone Can be a Victim and yes there are even famous drug addicts.

Did you know that over 20 million people in the U.S. struggle with a diagnosable addiction to drugs and alcohol? Even more concerning, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that around 70,000 Americans lose their lives every year to a drug overdose. These statistics point to one pressing conclusion; drug and alcohol addiction is a huge problem in the U.S. society.

And contrary to common assumptions, drug addiction is not a sign of weakness—nor is its impact demographic-specific. People from all walks of life can fall victim to drug addiction—from professional athletes, entertainers, students, the homeless, doctors, to stay-at-home moms.

But despite the indiscriminate prevalence of drug addiction, media outlets tend to focus their attention on famous drug addicts. Celebrities in recovery typically enjoy a huge following of loyal fans—making their stories of substance abuse powerful. They send a much-needed message that drug and alcohol addiction is not something to be ashamed of and that it does not discriminate.

This post looks at some celebrities on drugs with the hope of normalizing addiction struggles and making it easier for people suffering in silence to seek treatment.

10 Famous Drug Addicts / Celebrities in Recovery

Drug addiction is hard and nearly overwhelming on its own. Facing the challenge is even more difficult when every move you make—from running a simple errand to your experiences with drug/alcohol abuse—are always on the spotlight from an invasive public.

These are the kinds of battles celebrities on drugs must face. While some trek their journey to recovery in silence and away from the public eye, others speak out hoping to help people facing similar demons.

Read on for some notable celebrities in recovery and famous drug addicts who continue to challenge the stigma associated with drug addiction.

celebrities in recovery

  1. Robert Downey Jr.

“I am Iron Man!” Watching Robert Downey Jr. wield the Infinity Stones in Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame as Iron Man—and snapping his fingers to defeat the mad tyrant Thanos is an iconic/inspirational moment for anyone who cared to watch the film.

That one moment sent countless theatregoers home with shivers and teary eyes–-highlighting his status as one of the best and highest-paid actors in Hollywood. But Robert Downey Jr. was not always the successful movie star and role model we see today.

He is arguably one of the most famous heroin addicts and stirring celebrities in recovery. Robert Downey Jr.’s rap sheet includes speeding, possession of cocaine, heroin, an unloaded firearm, Valium, and multiple arrests.

After seeking treatment for the drug addiction problem, he drastically changed his life trajectory for the better within a decade. “The past for me was 30 years of dependency, depravity, and despair… otherwise known as ‘An Actor Prepares!’,” said the actor during the premiere for Avengers: Infinity War.

  1. Dax Shepard

Dax Shepard is one of those inherently likeable characters—along with his wife, Kristen Bell. Over the last 16 years, the podcast host (Armchair Expert), comedian, and actor has been candid about his recovery journey from an addiction to cocaine and Jack Daniel’s.

For a while, Dax Shepard leveraged his podcast as a platform to reach audiences and send a message of hope to anyone struggling with sobriety and addiction. His approach is all about laying the facts as they are with genuineness and humor.

But in a recent revelation, Shepard admitted to relapsing and struggling with opioid addiction to Vicodin—an opioid painkiller. In a way, this shows the risk of relapse in recovery and the importance of finding help, rather than suffering in silence.

  1. Demi Lovato

Few celebrities in recovery are as outspoken as Demi Lovato. The music star has been (and still is) the face of advocacy for wellness and dispelling the stigma against addiction for so many people around the world.

In her 2017 documentary Simply Complicated, Demi Lovato talks about her personal struggles with drug addiction. Referring to her relapse a few years back in 2012, she says “I wasn’t ready to get sober…I was sneaking [cocaine] on planes, I was sneaking it in bathrooms, sneaking it throughout the night… I went on a bender of like, two months, where I was using it daily.”

In 2018, Lovato was sent back to rehab for an apparent overdose. This was after she announced her relapse after 6 years of sobriety earlier that year through her single,” Sober.” She has since been discharged and gone right back to dispelling misconceptions and stereotypes about recovery from addiction and mental health disorders.

  1. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey (aka., the Queen of Daytime Television) has inspired countless young girls. But despite her resolute and empowering persona, she was once among the long list of drug addict celebrities.

In a 2005 interview (as reported by NC Universal’s TODAY), Oprah revealed that “Years ago I had a woman on my show who was talking about drugs and how she was addicted to her boyfriend and I had used drugs in my 20s with this boyfriend and I was more addicted to the boyfriend than I was to the drugs.”

Since speaking out about her struggles with addiction, Oprah has gone on to cover the benefits of recovery extensively though her shows, magazine, and campaigns.

  1. Bradly Cooper

In a 2014 cover exclusive by Vanity Fair, Bradley Cooper spoke openly about his struggle with drug addiction. “Anytime you’re trying to tell the truth you need to go to places and use things that have happened to you, or you’ve read about or experienced…And that’s all part of the beauty of turning whatever things you’ve gone through into a story.”

The 45-year-old actor—who has been sober since 2004 when he was 29—goes on to say, “I find that to be very cathartic. I remember learning that in grad school, our teacher said all the insecurities, all the dark stuff you get to use that and that’s really the truth.”

Interestingly, Brad Pitt recently revealed that he credits Bradley Cooper for easing his journey to sobriety. Takeaway? Support from friends and family is important for long-lasting recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.

  1. Samuel L. Jackson

Nick Fury (we mean Samuel L. Jackson) is easily one of the biggest box office stars—and a key character in the Marvel franchise alongside Robert Downey Jr. But just like his castmate, Samuel L. Jackson was once addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol.

In an interview with The Guardian, the versatile actor mentions,  “I had a very good theatre reputation. Granted, I was a fucking drug addict and I was out of my mind a lot of the time, but I had a good reputationI was doing things the right way, it was just that one thing that was in the way— my addiction. And once that was out of the way, it was— boom! The door blew wide open.”

As one of the inspiring celebrities in recovery (3 decades clean), he credits his successful recovery from drug addiction to the support of his family.

  1. Daniel Radcliffe

Potterheads probably have fond memories of Daniel Radcliffe as the elder wand-wielding, Voldemort-whopping Harry Potter from the widely popular films and books. But on a gloomier side, the celebrated actor also joins the list of famous drug addicts.

In comments for the Mirror, Radcliffe says that “I would have benefited from not drinking…It was not making me as happy as I wanted it to.” This was in reference to his drinking habits during and after the Harry Potter films.

It is not a real pressure but it is a pressure of living with the thought, ‘Oh, what if all these people are saying I am not going to have a career? What if they are all going to be right and will be laughing and I will be consigned to a bunch of ‘Where are they now?’ lists?” he added.

  1. Nicole Richie

Nichole Richie is a famous heroin addict who told her story in an interview with PEOPLE back in 2007. “I got so much so fast that nothing really excited me anymore…I kind of took matters into my own hands and was creating drama in a very dangerous way. At 18 I had just been doing a lot of cocaine…I, again, made the decision for myself, this is something I have to do. I have to get off drugs. This isn’t the life … this was heroin.”

Nowadays Richie embraces the sober life and she tries to be open and candid about her struggles. “What I can do is use that experience as a tool for when my kids get older. They know that people have died from drugs because they go to school and it happens,” she told Daily Mail.

  1. Angelina Jolie

Another recovering celebrity in the list of famous heroin addicts is Angelina Jolie. The movies star to a host of popular films is quoted saying, “I have done just about every drug possible: cocaine, heroin, Ecstasy, LSD.”

Talking to CBS News, Jolie admitted “I went through heavier, darker times and I survived them. I didn’t die young…So I am very lucky. There are other artists and people that didn’t survive certain things … people can imagine that I did the most dangerous, and I did the worst…for many reasons, I shouldn’t be here.”

  • Eminem

The doctors told me I’d done the equivalent of four bags of heroin … Had I got to the hospital about two hours later, I would have died. My organs were shutting down. My liver, kidneys, everything. They were gonna have to put me on dialysis. They didn’t think I was gonna make it. My bottom was gonna be death.” These were the words of one of the greatest rappers of his generation (as reported by MTV).

He has been sober for over 11 years since he checked himself to rehab. Like other drug addict celebrities on this list, the Real Slim Shady has been vocal about the challenges of addiction. His album “Relapse” and “Recovery” highlight the journey to recovery from addiction.

Addiction Can Affect Anyone – but Help is Also Available to Anyone

The takeaway is that Addiction is indiscriminate and it can affect anyone—whether you’re Iron Man, Harry Potter, the Queen of Daytime Television, the Real Slim Shady or any famous drug addict.  It also comes with a stigma that most of the celebrities in recovery highlighted in this list aim to dispel.

Taking the example of these famous drug addicts, don’t hesitate to come out about your drug addiction problems. Be true to yourself and seek professional help early on.

If you’re battling addiction, keep in mind that some of the best treatment options are available at Revive Detox & Recovery. Call us at (844) 467-3848 for more.


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