Few things are more frightening than losing control over your drug addiction, but there is never a reason to give up. The United Nations estimates that roughly 17 million people across the world use cocaine each year, and the drug contributes to over 6,000 deaths annually in the United States.
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How Long to Detox from Alcohol: Everything You Need to Know
Considering its prevalence in the world today, maybe it’s hardly surprising that alcohol is one of the most significant sources of substance abuse in the world today.
An estimated 88,000 people die from alcohol-related reasons every year in the United States, making it the third most common form of preventable death across the country.
Choosing Inpatient Medical Detox Over Non-Medical Could Save Your Life
Partnering with a medical detox center is one of the best ways of ensuring your future sobriety and your safe recovery since they employ expert staff and use only the finest medical monitoring equipment. However, not all detox centers come with the same ability to safeguard you against some of the dangerous complications due to … Read more
The Surprisingly Deep Link Between Trauma and Addiction
Addiction is an incredibly complex disease. Not only does it directly impact the health and function of the physical body, it also influences the intellect, emotions, personality, and even the moral reasoning of an addict. In a sense, addiction has the ability to change who you really are. Genetics, environment, mental health, and a variety … Read more
Why Detox and Withdrawal from Opioid Drugs Is Often Fatal
Opioids are some of the most addictive drugs on the face of the planet. In fact, studies have estimated relapse rates for opioids like heroin to be as high as 91% in some cases. But these substances aren’t just incredibly addictive – they’re also exceptionally dangerous. And if you’re planning on detoxing from these powerful … Read more
Top 4 Ultra-Addictive Drugs You Need to Avoid
Most people have heard the horror stories of persistent drug use and abuse. It may be a friend that got hooked on pain pills for life. Or maybe a sibling that developed a crippling crack addiction.
And while the effects of any substance addiction can be absolutely disastrous, if you’re like most people you’ve probably wondered, “what is the most addictive drug on the street today?”
Studies Find Drug-Assisted Detox Unequivocally More Effective Than Traditional Model
When most people envision addiction treatment, they typically think about 12-step programs popular in the past. But despite the long-standing tradition of treating addiction solely with group talk, an appeal to a higher power, and other essential aspects of conventional 12-step programs, research shows that using evidence-based therapies like medically assisted treatments actually garners far … Read more
Hardest Drugs to Quit: Going Cold Turkey From These 3 Drugs Could Be Deadly
As information becomes more widely available thanks to the internet, some substance abusers have recently taken it upon themselves to handle the extremely uncomfortable process of detoxing on their own without an addiction treatment center in Los Angeles. Maybe they don’t have the insurance to help them pay for treatment, maybe their shame (common in … Read more
Prescription Drug Addiction: Why “Doctor’s Orders” May Be Deadlier Than You Think
When you hear the term “drug addict,” you probably think of people who abuse illicit substances like heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine. While it’s true that these addictions have garnered the most attention over the years from the media, one of the fastest growing addictions actually involves prescription drugs abuse. And to make matters even worse, … Read more
Is Addiction a Disease? How Modern Science Is Revolutionizing Substance Abuse Treatment
There has been a lot of debate about the nature of addiction. Is it simply a lack of willpower to overcome your own inclinations and desires to use again that’s responsible? Is it some kind of moral failing that prevents you from shunning these addictive substances forever? Or, as modern research has come to show, … Read more