Trap Houses – A Thorn in the Fight Against Drug Abuse and Addiction

what is a trap house

Part of the drug problem in American society can be traced to the illegal drug dealers on the ground—and more specifically, the trap house. By recruiting new users and offering a constant supply of drugs, trap houses are directly (or indirectly) involved in the current drug overdose epidemic. This brings us to the purpose of … Read more

Gabapentin High Explained. What is Gabapentin? Is Gabapentin Abused?

gabapentin high

What is Gabapentin? Gabapentin—also known as Neurontin—is a prescription medication approved by the FDA for treating neuropathic pain (nerve pain) and epileptic disorders (seizures). However, worrying trends over the past decade have led to combative actions by administrative bodies, such as considering it a schedule 5 controlled substance in two states because of its use and … Read more

Gateway Drugs – Marijuana, Tobacco & Alcohol

gateway drugs

People who grew up in the ‘80s and ‘90s as part of the D.A.R.E (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) generation are well aware of gateway drugs and their risks. The educational program—which was part of America’s War on Drugcampaign—taught kids and young adults that indulging in beer or marijuana increased the risk of advancing to hard … Read more

Is it Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms and Signs or a Hangover? – How to Tell

alcohol poisoning symptoms 1

Your sitting next to your toilet after a night of excessive drinking—shivering and heaving the little food you could manage to swallow. The myriad of symptoms makes you feel like death warmed over. As your head pounds, heart races, and the room appears to spin, you might start to wonder; “Is this just a bad … Read more

What is Neurosis? Meaning, Signs, and Treatments

what is neurosis

Do you have a friend who gets overly angsty and easily frazzled in high-pressure situations? Or maybe a spouse who constantly suspects you of betrayal? If so, these might be signs of neurosis. In popular culture, the term ‘neurosis’ often carries a light and humorous connotation. While calling someone neurotic might sound like a playful … Read more

How to Quit Vaping in 5 Steps

how to quit vaping

Did you know that there were nearly 3,000 hospitalization cases and death related to e-cigarettes as of February 2020? This comes in the wake of disturbing findings by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) on the rates of e-cigarette use among young people. According to the study, the use of e-cigarettes has increased dramatically to … Read more

Xanax Bars and Addiction

xanax addiction

Xanax is one of the best-known drugs in the country. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most popular drugs of abuse.

And there’s a strong, frightening link between Xanax bars and addiction.

There’s reason to be concerned if you suspect a loved one may be abusing Xanax and we’ve outlined some important points to understand about the dangers.

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The Dangers of Demerol (Meperidine Hydrochloride) Addiction

demerol addiction

The opioid crisis in America has opened people’s eyes to the dangers of prescription painkillers. Every day, over 130 people lose their lives after misusing and overdosing on opioids. One of the drugs included under the umbrella of opioids is Demerol also known as Meperidine Hydrochloride. Like other painkillers, doctors prescribe this drug to people after surgeries or … Read more

4 Signs of Adderall Abuse

signs of adderall abuse

When used correctly, Adderall has an incredible potential to change a person’s life. Someone who previously struggled with ADHD symptoms may find it far easier to handle daily tasks and function independently when properly using this popular medication. But for those without ADHD, Adderall has other attractions: namely, a sharp increase in focus. That may … Read more

What Are the Most Common Opioids? A List of Natural and Synthetic Opiates

most common opioids

Did you know that about 20 percent of American adults suffer from chronic pain? It can be difficult to live life to the fullest when you’re suffering from chronic pain, let alone get through an average day. With chronic pain, even essential activities like taking a shower, brushing your teeth, or eating a meal can become agonizing … Read more