7 Famous People and Celebrities with OCD

famous people with ocd

Table of Contents According to the National Institute of Health, around 2.3% (approximately 5 million) of U.S. adults experience symptoms of OCD in their lifetime. Among them are famous people and celebrities with OCD whose diagnoses and stories help inspire a revolution toward destigmatization and awareness of the mental disorder. Living with OCD can be difficult. … Read more

What is Dry January? Benefits & How to Succeed for Long-Term Health

dry January

Looking to reset after a festive season of too much celebratory bubbly? Or are you concerned about your problematic drinking? Whatever your motivation, you can kick off the year on a healthy note by taking part in Dry January. If you’re wondering what is Dry January, it’s an annual tradition that challenges you to kick … Read more

How to Stop Drinking Alcohol – 8 Strategies

how to stop drinking alcohol

It is a significant and often difficult decision to stop drinking alcohol, but it can have numerous benefits for your physical and mental health, relationships, and overall quality of life. If you’re struggling with an alcohol addiction and want to quit or simply cut back on your drinking, there are a few strategies you can … Read more

Heroin Chic – A Looming Health Tragedy Masquerading as a Fashion Trend

heroin chic

Whether we like to admit it or not, fashion sways our viewpoints. How we feel about ourselves and others is sometimes influenced by emerging trends or nostalgic resurgences of the past. But while fashion is meant to convey optimism, this is not always the case. The pendulum of fashion, at times, swings dramatically between ecstatic … Read more

How to Lower Cortisol Naturally to Reduce Stress

how to lower cortisol

The signs of high cortisol and how to lower cortisol naturally. We’ve all felt that rush that follows a startling or threatening situation—where your heart is racing, and you seemingly have a surge of energy coursing through your body. Maybe you were at risk of an accident. Or perhaps the pressure of meeting a deadline … Read more

20 Physical Techniques and Grounding Exercises for Anxiety

grounding exercises for anxiety

Ever felt an overwhelming feeling of anxiety or a panic attack? You’re not alone. According to one survey, 62% of people in the U.S. struggle with some degree of anxiety. Feeling anxious or experiencing a panic attack can interfere with your everyday life—and it can be tough to bounce back. But grounding techniques for anxiety … Read more

Side Effects of Marijuana / Weed

side effects of marijuana

Marijuana goes by many names, with weed and pot being the most common. Other slang terms include dope, Mary Jane, grass, ganja, hashish, bhang, bud, joint, blunt, herb, and doobie. Cannabis may give off the impression of a fun, cool, and harmless recreational substance—but it’s far from it. With many Americans increasingly taking little issue … Read more

Famous People and Celebrities with Bipolar Disorder

famous people celebrities with bipolar disorder

With their seemingly perfect shell, it’s easy to forget that celebrities are human—and they’re at risk of health problems like everyone else. Case in point: several famous people and celebrities with bipolar disorder have gone public with their diagnosis. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reports that over 12 million Americans (4.4% of the … Read more

Lexapro and Weed or Lexapro and Alcohol – Can You Mix?

lexapro and weed alcohol 1

Every time your doctor prescribes a medication, it’s important to consider how it may impact your lifestyle. Are you on other prescription meds? Or do you use any recreational drugs? Think about how they might interact. ie. Lexapro and weed or Lexapro and alcohol. This article will draw attention to the antidepressant Lexapro and its … Read more